
Content repositories and their user interface

After a long time I decided to write my thoughts about enterprise content management systems (CMS) like Alfresco and the user interface that is distributed with it.

In an effort to simplify their IT architectures and optimize systems company-wide, many businesses are standardizing on a single content- management platform for document management, Web-content management, imaging and intranet publishing. To do so there are plenty of solutions and technologies on the market allowing users to save, update and find their content but many of them lack of a suitable user interface nor a fluid accessibility.

Traditional solutions offer a strong central content repository and an enterprise database without satisfying user’s actual needs like effectiveness or simple usability. On the other hand, the user interface is rarely given such attention and I do think there is a huge gap between repositories and the way they interact with the user.

As I am in that business I might sound subjective and probably that I am, but for a couple of years my company (Jibe Source also used to be named iCodix) is targeting especially that market.

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