
Service Orchestration and BPM

There is a lot of noise about the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and much less about how to coordinate those services or how to assemble them in a logical structure. A business has no gain if SOA is implemented and that those different services are not linked to each other or orchestrated.The Service Orchestration concept […]

REST and integration … ?

Since REST has been adopted for a long time now it seems that applications integrations are the next step. Usually I thought that integrating different applications should be done via an ESB I am sure now that it is not true. In my opinion any decent application should have different interfaces exposed to the world. […]


I was looking what SLEE (Service Logic Execution Environment) or in the java world JAIN SLEE could offer in a telephony world. I am working on an open source telephony application called Svarog (http://sourceforge.net/projects/svarog/) based on Asterisk PBX (http://www.asterisk.org/) and I wanted to see how I could improve it in a next step. Well, there […]