Alfresco content has its metadata and audit trail, which can be of a great value – if you could read, structure and interpret it. For quite a while I was wondering how to integrate custom microservices with Alfresco but without custom AMPs or custom code running inside the repository. I knew that SOLR tracks Alfresco transactions and that there is […]
Category: Uncategorized
Alfresco @MVC part 2 – views
As explained in my previous post, the idea behind Alfresco @MVC is to provide spring annotations through an Alfresco webscript. Why a webscript? Well, simply because it avoids changing the web.xml file and to use AMPs (alfresco module packages). A part from that, all this would allow to use spring views and all the features […]
Book : Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation
I received a new book for review and before I read it and publish my comments here is an extracted article titled “Implementing Alfresco 3.0 Documentation“ that could be of interest for some of you.